This is the first day of peace on Earth
After thousands of years
All things return to their natural balance
They had at the beginning of everything
The air is lighter and purer
The soil breathes restfully
The waters flow like tears of relief
Forests remember of fire as a distant memory
And in the same instant, in sync
A new day is born on the planet
When the last of us saw goodbye to him
When the last of us saw goodbye to him
And for that reason, this is the first day of peace on Earth
Optimists dreamed of an impossible harmony
Where humans and the natural world would fit in the same space
But our history proved otherwise
And one of us needs to die
Earth won, when the last of us was defeated
And the last of us taked a melancholy farewell
Of the Paradise that he did not enjoy
Of the Eternal Garden who almost succumbed to his dominion
Life won when the last of us died!
Life won when the last of us died!
This is the first day of peace on Earth
Earth won, life won
We deserved to die