[Verse 1]
He set the Earth
On its foundation
So that it should never be moved
And You makes streams gush forth
From the mountains
And flow between the hills
O Lord, how manifold
Are all of Your works
In wisdom You have made
Them all
[Verse 2]
He causes grass to grow
For the livestock
And plants for man
That he may bring forth food
From the Earth
And wine to gladden his heart
O Lord, how manifold
Are all of Your works
In wisdom You have made
Them all
O Lord, how manifold
Are all of Your works
In wisdom You have made
Them all
May the glory of the Lord
Endure forever
May the glory of the Lord
Endure forevеr
O Lord, how manifold
Are all of Your works
In wisdom You have made
Thеm all