[Verse 1]
Looking for eternity in windows on our landlocked streets
We talk until the talk turns cheap and then we talk some more
Pretending that I could see the constellations we sat beneath
But I'm a liar and a cheat, I couldn't see shit
[Verse 2]
Making plans to go out west or to the city, better yet
Searching for some greener grass on which to rest our eyes
Knowing full well, all along, the myth that follows other lawns
They're something you can depend on, grass all grows the same
[Verse 3]
Driving home at 1 a.m., Radiohead on in the van
We fight about your favorite band and Paul's philosophies
Neither here and always there, rest stop signs and highway glare
I'm learning how to lock my stare so I don't miss a beat
[Verse 4]
Looking for eternity in windows on our landlocked streets
But I just feel like I'm a creep, a liar, and sometimes a cheat
For all the books I didn't read, but carried proudly on my sleeve
It always smells like Halloween from inside my old fitted-sheet
I'm too far gone like a dog in a hot car
I'm too far gone like a dog in a hot car