The lotus tree in the seventh heaven is the place of my revelation
Paradise is my wine and hell is the heat of my scorching wind
Constellations prostrated to me until I was elevated
Like the prostration of servants to the served
And all those in the universe said to me
“Must there be brought liberty unto these unhallowed grounds?”
To pass the time I sleep into dreams, exchanging words with mirroforms
“Tonight, we’ll discuss your engrained disgust for the wellspring of your loathly lust”
A remorseful winter says thy lord, a god
A broken regretful evil still lingers beneath my feet
I look to the sky for a sign of hope
Shapes and shades open a gate, revealing my fate
I raise my arm up to the sky and claw from the wrist down
Warmed by blood and skin
It drips down into the waters before me, churning violently
[Adam Mercer/A Wake In Providence]
Hanging from the tree of nine realms
Yggdrasil granted me the eternal knowledge
This power granted from hell my enemies
Uruz thurisaz ansuz
Dust they’ve become
[Devin Duarte]
The river becomes a sea of red
Now I lay down to sleep, quivering in tears and blood, holding cadavers close
Closer than the aether's sun
O father, o moon, o sky