Well, the sun beats down on my cold white skin
Seems no matter how I try, like I'm never gonna win
And my girl, she's great, and I love her like sin
And I pray someday that I'll see her again
In a place that's safe from the howling wind
Well, the wind she blows me down on my knees
Down on my face, so there's nothing to see
And she asks me when I'm gonna get set free
When I shake this shell for a better sort of hell
And I know quite well which devil to please
'Cause there's a scare on the plane
There to tear you apart
And I'll wear all the shame of my heart on my face
Though neither with pride, nor distaste
And I'm never afraid
I was born in the dark
And I'll die in the light with a tear in my mouth
To extinguish the spark that put light by itself
It's the one thing I could think to do to help