Rise up now, sons of adventure and hear the battle call in the air!
This day you long will remember what others would not dare!
Now is our moment arising, out just beyond the breakers we sail!
And although are tired of waiting
Your eyes tell me you can't wait to be there
Hearts are pounding, feel the drums of anticipation
Coursing onward, let them pay the price of testing our nation!
As the sun ignites the darkness into the morning
We will take a stand and we'll tell the world a new day is dawning!
Tend the cannons, roaring and answer the rockets soaring
And then soon there'll be nowhere for them to hide!
Heading toward our finest hour, take the wheel and seize the power!
Hoist the sails, defend our nations pride!
Rise up now, sons of adventure
Your chance to be a hero today!
Stand strong, now, sons of adventure, prepare to seize the day!
This is a cause worth of fighting, our chance to right a terrible wrong
And all are tired of waiting
But we will not be waiting for long now!
Stand together, bound by sacred honor forever
Brothers all in my eyes who dared the brave and boldest endeavors!
Sound the battle cry and then set your sights and then be sure
Go where victory lies
It's calling you now sons of adventure
Calling you now sons of adventure