Perish the dead
Mesh stripped from our bones
Stark is the carcass
Cursing our wake
[Guitar Solo]
Whipped core corrupt, cracked self destruct
Shed our shell corrosion, hatch in burst of shame
Thousand lashes cuts, cut us to our core
We find calm, twist and burn, dervishes spun whole
[Verse 1]
Sever the neck of bare throat stretched before us
Drink from jugulars, asphyxiate thy mind
Swallow lost spirit that pines for inhalation
Mute shrieking sirens rife with tongues to bind
[Guitar Solo]
[Verse 2]
Crotch deep, drenched in gut-floods' acid rush
In womb-burst of birth-scum, brown like rats in cage
We paw the iron bars as nailless fingers scrape for flaws
Scratched, then erupt in gash of glans of necrophage
Calm in ire of hurricane
Whipped core corrupt, cracked self destruct
Shed our shell corrosion, hatch in burst of shame
Spitegeist reflects, death's mnemonic tool
Echo-chamber pitched to hell's subsonic howl
[Guitar Solo]
Twinkle of anemic vein
Coughing like a rusty chain
Fate squats within a mangled skein
Exuding calm in ire of hurricane