[Verse 1]
Daniel was a drummer
He drummed his drums all day
Darla was a dancer
Who would dance the day away
Deedle dum deedly deedly dee
D is the letter that follows C
How many words do you think there can be
That begin with the dandy letter D?
[Verse 2]
Debbie ate her dinner
The dumplings were delicious
She drank her drink
Then in her sink, Deb did her dirty dishes
Deedle dum deedly deedly dee
D is the letter that follows C
How many words do you think there can be
That begin with the dandy letter D?
[Verse 3]
David was a diver
He dove in deep dark water
He caught a baby dragonfish
To give to his dear daughter
Deedle dum deedly deedly dee
D is the letter that follows C
How many words do you think there can be
That begin with the dandy letter D?
[Verse 4]
Deedee had a darling dog
A dainty little poodle
When Darla played her didgeridoo
Fifi did the dipsy-doodle
Deedle dum deedly deedly dee
D is the letter that follows C
How many words do you think there can be
That begin with the dandy letter D?