For so long we’ve sought revival for the land in which we live
Praying God for mercy and the power He can give
But if we would truly find the miracle for which we search
May we seek a broader vision–O, Lord, revive Your church!
Oh, Lord, we need revival all around the world
Let Your spirit come in power
And Your banner be unfurled
Let Your name be exalted wherever it is found
Oh, Lord, we need revival all the world around
We who look for Jesus’ coming know the time is very near
For the end of God’s longsuffering
For the day of wrath and fear
Though we wait with joy and trembling to be standing by His side
There are souls as yet not gathered in — O, Lord, prepare Your bride!
His power is not limited to what we see and know
When we’re praying in the Spirit
He will make our vision grow!
We need revival all the world around