It's just a matter of time 'till my mind starts tricking me
It's dark outside and I'm so afraid of my own mind
Pleasant times and dreams are gone
Life slips through my fingers
And time is not passing anymore
The battle against desires is unfair, the forces of addiction will always be stronger
Darkness seems deeper, while brightness fades away
All I want now
Is to finish
With this life
Unbearable pain
Crossing my body
And my mind
Suffer, sorrow
I don't want this lies
Desolation and despair
Without end
After the storm
A brief moment of clarity
Is there hope in me?
I need to break free from this burden
Is there a way
To get out of
This god damn misery?
I long for an end
A new beginning
What is this?
All this fire
All this chaos
Why does she seems so afraid of me?
Feel my fury
The disgrace, this hell
Surrounding me
Oh my memories
All I want now
Is to finish
With your life
Unbearable pain
Crossing your body
And your mind