Oh wow, circus clown huh? Big surprise cunt, coming on tiktok coming like hick hocks like a bitch from the cunt sea pussy. (Pus- Puss- Pu- Pussy!) You act like this online because you parents can’t disobey you fag. Brokiee0 here always because I’m a fucking fag I’ll suck a dick to prove that fact. I feel like the police will get invited to my motherfucking party…. Part-Par-Pa-PARTY! Motherfucker cum on my duck fuck that duck then spit it out fag. I ain’t racist I dated two black girls but I’ll just say this…. Nig. Fuck you making fun of people online because you’re an asshole Atleast I can spell In my bio. Sorry if this wasn’t as good as the first part but honestly, check out my other stuff you might enjoy It, circus mask clown ass faggot. (Drink my assmilk)