Applying toothbrush to sneakers as Bob Marley booms from a speaker, I found it therapeutic to pick apart cheeba, an inscents burning, I dropped out and started self learning, working towards a Caddy which sadly was never attained, bussing tables putting 200 towards the bills, tips went to treating myself, evenings at the cinema, for dinner was a large pie, a side of cheese fries and a gallon of water, lotto ticket scratched by a quarter, could be loitering under an over pass or on a bike path, a lighter flashing, pulling all nighters, practicing my craft in the garage, espionage, no entourage when I maneuver the city, open mics at as220, stumbling but the crowd could feel me, I still sport them same beads that could make a dike change teams, if she's real she'll recognize what kinda time I'm on, she'll understand why I rhyme long, preserving memories cuz when times gone there's no getting it back, used to think I was living to pass, but fuck that I'm living to surpass whoever doubted, extremely versatile, I'm boundless, my characters sophisticated, well rounded, leader of the new school and there's no way around it shouting praises, I found it
Trust the process
Even when it's looking rough you
Trust the process