Existence is drudgery, a sentence of pain
Sentience is a curse animate with grief
I am like a slave who pants for the shadows
I am the servant longing for rest
Each day lingers interminably
Every night, I endure without pause
When I lie down, I long for morning
When I get up, I yearn for evening
All the day, I toss and turn
Seized unawares from out of reverie
My flesh crawls with maggots
My skin splits and oozes
Youth passed me in a moment
Strength melted like morning’s mist
If I long for sleep’s oblivion and lie down to ease my suffering
Then you terrify me with visions
Your nightmare chokes me with terror
I wake gasping for breath
Life is but a sigh
A cloud dissipated by noon’s heat
To dissolve into death
Who am I to draw your ire?
Your gaze fixed to betray my flaws?
Examining every instance
Condemning each failure
Won’t you spare me time even to swallow my spit?
Pitiless accuser, show yourself