Sleepy tiny girl
Sleepy sleepy tiny girl
Is walking on the street alone
She's awake, but in her mind she's dreaming
She's the number one, she's the number one
Even though she's little tiny girl
Sleepy tiny girl (is she really?)
Burbank airport, car are honking
People're staring at her
Why'd she walk alone
On the streets where gangs are hanging out
Sadly they don't know
Sadly they don't know that she's bleeding
Sleepy Tiny Girl, Sleepy Tiny Girl
Yeah, she's bleeding
Sleepy tiny girl
Sleepy sleepy tiny girl
Notifications on her phone
Don't affect her anymore
She lost her dad on January 3rd
Her grandfather, then her friend
In just one month she is unbothered
You can't get her anymore
Noise from airplanes
Drops of rain, pits on the road
That would have bothered her before
They don't bother anymore
You see a sleepy tiny girl
Sleepy tiny girl (is she really?)
Sadly they don't know
Sadly they don't know
That she's bleeding