PHANTOM LIVE was pretty much a series I had that I started in March where I basically chilled with my fans, you know had a good time, livestreaming a game, mostly Watch_Dogs 2. And uhhh pretty much my whole series was pretty much just chilling with my fans you know having a good time. And you guys have noticed recently that my streams have been very different, I didn't really chill with you guys that much, I was playing many different games, and I decided that I'm going to change it up. The last episode I've ever made on the PHANTOM LIVE series was on June 23rd, 2017. And if you think about that that was kind of a while ago. So I decided that premiering this Thursday night... I am going to be starting PHANTOM LIVE SEASON 2. I will have a link to the original PHANTOM LIVE series in the description down below, or you could just go to my playlists and find it from there and you can watch all my old live streams from there so yeah guys that's pretty much the entire video I hope you guys enjoyed if you did give it a thumbs up and subscribe and I will see you this Thursday for a new episode of PHANTOM LIVE, talk to you guys next time.
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