i’m sitting in the driver’s seat with both of my feet dangling outside the same car window
can’t tell if my toes are cold or on fire
it’s chilly but the sun is hellfire like usual
i just couldn’t bother to drive like anybody else, so i parked by my favorite beach
and laid in my car all alone
decided I’d never move
and just thought
and thought
and thought
about absolutely nothing
except the couple who sat on the bench in front of me
and how their loud conversation was awkward and i could just tell that they were newly together—they didn’t even know if they loved each other yet
then the sun travelled west to blind me
and the couple left me and my nothingness again
but then i remembered i just wanted a polaroid of the sea devouring the sun into eternal nightlife
and so i did
i went on a long walk on Charlotte’s Pier and then went down by its beach
to capture that moment forever
it made happy
my polaroid still hasn’t developed so i couldn’t even see what made me happy yet it did
to just do that simple thing
unlaced my shoes and took off my half wing necklace and buried it in my blue converses
and ran barefoot into that blessed blue water before nighttime came and i had to go
i was shivering in cold with only the water up to my knees
and almost slipped and fell face-flat shirt on
now that it’s moonwater, i had to go back to my car and drive back home—it’s too dark to do or see anything
i did nothing
so i started to think again
about how i always knew how much it hurt me to do what others wanted of me
yet i always did what they wanted
and that pissed me off regardless of how happy i was at that moment
picked up my half wing necklace, put it in my pocket and laced up my blue converses
and i went back to my car
in the same position
windows down
both feet dangling
yet this time I’m driving
on or to somewhere
and there’s a heavy rock on the gas pedal and I’m taking a detour, going so fast yet so slow on the road less travelled
my road
my path
my life