We knew we’d never last
We couldn’t even start;
[just the odd top secret text
And a crack across the heart,]
And then you’re gone
But cracks like that don’t heal, they hide away
And now it takes so long
To even look alright
[to hide the wear and tear
Is a daily, dirty fight.]
I think you’ve won
But nothing could conceal what your eyes say
[You’re just another man,]
You’re just another wife;
[all we need just for tonight]
Is to live another life
And then I’m gone
But lives like that don’t die, they haunt and fray
[So keep your fingers to yourself,]
Keep your cloak and dagger looks;
[now you can go back to your boys,]
And you can go back to your books –
It’s almost dawn
So now’s the time to stop the act and stay
Don’t let the morning throw away
What the night bestows us;
[the sun will always have his say
But the nighttime knows us.]
So trust the moon to do you right
She can groom and guide you;
[and let the stars burn bold and bright]
Till I awake beside you