Copped a brand new jet
VV diamonds
We get all the sex you want it
Give you everything
I might fuck around and give you my last name
Surronded by these other woman but they not the same
All i need, girl you all I need
Give your all to me
Girl you all I need
Girl you all I need
You all I need, just give it all to me
Girl you all I want
Girl you all I need
I see the lust in your eyes
Got you in my side
I see you on that poll
Droppin' it low
And I can't get you out
My love [?]
Look what you did, yeah
Took all of it, all of my love
Girl I don't mind, I want you tonight
Need you tonight, baby you earned it
Girl don't be nervous, you is my purpose
Girl you a goddess
You ain't the same as these girls that be surrounding
Copped a brand new jet
VV diamonds
We get all the sex you want it
Give you everything
I might fuck around and give you my last name
Surronded by these other woman but they not the same
All i need, girl you all I need
Give your all to me
Girl you all I need
Girl you all I need
You all I need, just give it all to me
All I need
All I need