Burying my feelings cause it's to please you
I'm sick of being known as the villain
I'm sick of carrying the weight
I'm sick of being forced to be gulity of nothing
Why am i always carrying the weight of the world
When I'm portrayed as the villain than maybe it's time to become one
I'm always gonna be sick of carrying the weight of other people's choices
Don't make me carry the weight of your behavior again
I'm sick of carrying the weight for someone else's wrong doing
I'm done feeling like a burden when I've carried Gulit for my wrong doings
Why am i stuck carrying the weight?
I'm tired of witholding my feelings from the world
I'm sick of being the weight carrier
Will i ever stop carrying the weight one day?
One day I'll stop being your slave
One day I'll stop carrying the weight
I'll never be happy that you made me carry the weight of your foolish choices
I'm sick of being vicimized when I'm not the villain in this game of weight carrying
One day I'm out the door and no longer carrying the weight of the world
Sick of carrying the weight
Sick of
So sick of carrying the weight