Fuck the system
An this fucked up condition
They want us dead
They want us to riot and protest
Pillaging is all their sick plan
Drugs in the strrets
The want us high
Fuck defunding police
How about defunding the media
Uzi in the school
Shoot up innocent children
Focus on racism
When this country is fucked
They are censoring americans
How about insted of sliting each other's throats
We target the source of the problem
Watch it burn
’Cuz, with this shit
We ain't got much longer
Stop paying attention to skin color
And start focusing on the children's future
Do you want them to grow up in flames and ashes
Or celebrate the American dream
Stop blaming whites, stop blaming blacks
Stop with this fuckery
Our forefathers wouldn’t have wanted this
Stop hating your neighbor
Stop trying to defund the cops
Start giving them better training
Stop with the global warming shit
Yes, it's happening
But there ain't nothing that you can do
I could state all the problems
But if you would open up your fucking eyes
This is what they are encouraging us to do
They wanted you to hate Trump
So you would vote for Retard Joe
What the fuck, a retard for a president?
Are y'all stupid?
He's running the country?
'Fuck of a job he's doing
Trans women in the laddies room
That's ridicolous
News flash, they are just very fucked up guys
Where are the feminists
Ain’t you gonna say that’s sexist?
Stop being so fucking sensitive
Stop trusting what you learned at school
The brainwashing you with horseshit
School ain't teaching children a thing
They at learn something in mainstream rap
Is it good?
No! All these label groups need to fuck themselves
These mainstream rappers are going to overdose in a year
These thots are going to be used up in a year
Where ya think HIV, and AIDS come from you fucktards
Stop sleeping with everyone you meet, hoes
And find a husband or wife
Stop dressing up like sluts and worry about being raped
You tramps, put on some real clothes
And start acting like women, and men will respect you
Stop donating to stupid organizations
Don’t take the covid vaccination
Instead, demand the cure for cancer
Goverment, stop poisoning our food
Stop killing us early
Stop charging us bullshit prices
Stop taxing us out of our home
End world hunger
You greedy bastards
Stop loving money
Stop loving chaos
Stop causing problems for you to pretend to solve
Christians stop acting like your a victim
Stop taking offense if someone doesn't see things your way
Gays stop hating straights
Stop calling Christians homophobes just cuz they don't believe in homosexuality
Atheists stop acting like everyone who believes in God is stupid
Stop saying "End all religion"
News stop trying to brainwash us
Media try telling us the truth for once
Too many liars and false prophets
Blind lead the blind
And we all fall in the ditch
Everybody just shut the fuck up
All of you are reatards
I swear, if we keep this up
This will lead to a civil war
The United States will burn
China will step in
Chips will be put in our necks
And we all will be slaves