(Poncho) Verse 1: (0:00:01 - 0:00:22)
Everytime that I go to the ring
I go and destroy my opponent
Everytime that I go to the ring
I take them out with the spear and dominator
Everytime that I go to I knock out my opponent
And everytime that I go to the ring
I beat them down 1.2..3...
(Poncho) Chorus: (0:00:23 - 0:00:45) [DJ Blazin] (8 times) [8 times]
(1st time - Man) I'm Unstoppable
[Man I'm Unstoppable]
(Poncho) Verse 2: (0:00:46 - 0:01:08)
I'm unstoppable for a reason
Because nobody can take me out
My name is "Bobby Lashley" I weigh
275pds.; I'm the man with the plan
I'm the man with "The Dominator"
I am in (ECW) "Extreme Championship Wrestling"
(Poncho) Chorus: (0:01:09 - 0:01:31) [DJ Blazin] (8 times) [8 times]
(1st time - Man) I'm Unstoppable
[Man I'm Unstoppable]
(Poncho) Verse 3: (0:01:31 - 0:01:53)
I enter "The Extrem Elimination Chamber"
In December 20, 2006
That is why I won; I beat
"Hardcore Holly", "Test", and "The Big Show"
, "RVD", and "Cm. Punk"; I also defeated "Sabu"
And that's why I'm the man in (ECW) and a
(ECW Champ)
(Poncho) Chorus: (0:01:53 - 0:02:15) [DJ Blazin] (8 times) [8 times]
(1st time - Man) I'm Unstoppable
[Man I'm Unstoppable]
(Poncho) Verse 4: (0:02:16 - 0:02:38)
Nobody can beat
Because my name is "Bobby Lashley"
I was on "Friday Night Smackdown"
But then I moved to "ECW"
I love (Extreme Championship Wrestling)
I love "ECW"
"Extreme Rules" favor my style
Favor my style of wrestling
(Poncho) Chorus: (0:02:39 - 0:03:01) [DJ Blazin] (8 times) [8 times]
(1st time - Man) I'm Unstoppable
[Man I'm Unstoppable]
(Poncho) Verse 5: (0:03:01 - 0:03:24)
Everytime that I go to the ring
I jump for for my life
I fly high in the sky
And that's why I'm "The Dominator"
I am the best wrestler
In the "WWE" and the strongest one today
And don't you ever forget the name
"Bobby Lashley" in the (WWE)
(Poncho) Chorus: (0:03:24 - 0:03:46) [DJ Blazin] (8 times) [8 times]
(1st time - Man) I'm Unstoppable
[Man I'm Unstoppable]