Echo Charles:
Focus in a battle is easy
How do you keep focus
In a long war?”
That that
Can definitely be true
It can
Be pretty easy to focus
On the battle
That's right
In front of your face
And when you're doing that
Sometimes you can
Lose track of the
The long term goal
The long term goal
The long term goal
Make it happen
Make it happen
The long term goal
The long term goal
Never lose sight of it
I want to have
That long term goal
So embedded in my mind
That I never lose sight of it
And those little tasks
And projects
And short term goals
That you tackle
They need to lead toward that
Strategic victory
The long war
The long war
The long term goal
The long term goal
Make it happen
Make it happen
The long term goal
The long term goal
Never lose sight of it
And we get very caught up in
Instant gratification
We want results now
We want the shortcut
To the winner’s podium
And sometimes
You know
When we don't
Get that short term glory
That we want
We lose track
Of those long term goals
And you
You look up and
In six weeks or
In six months
Or in six years
You've made
No progress
You never moved
You might even be
Further from your goal
Than you were
Why did you let that happen?
It’s because you
Lost sight of that
Long term goal
The long term goal
The long term goal
Make it happen
Make it happen
The long term goal
The long term goal
Never lose sight of it
And at some point
After you lose sight of that goal
And years have gone by
You think to yourself
Maybe I can't
Maybe I can't do it
And so you give up
And you let it fade
And you settle
You settle for mediocrity
You settle for average
You settle for
Oh well
But no
Don't do that
Embed that
Long term goal in your mind
Burn it into your soul
Think about it
And write about it
And talk about it
And hang it up on your wall
But most important
Do something about it
Do something about it
Every day
Every day
Do something that moves you
Toward that goal
That keeps that goal alive
And in sight
And in focus
However small or insignificant
That step might seem
Take it
Do it
Do that little piece
Make it happen
Make it happen
That goal
Isn't going to achieve
It's all