Everybody's different
Everybody's similar, but everybody's different
And your attitude has a giant effect, not just on your life
But on other people's lives around you
That's the other thing about it
Those I can't catch a break guys
Get them fuck away from me
I can't be around those guys
I don't wanna hear that shit
I don't wanna hear that shit
Get them the fuck away from me
Get them the fuck away from me
Get them the fuck away from me
I don't wanna hear that shit
Get them thе fuck away from me
Get them thе fuck away from me
Get them the fuck away from me
I don't wanna hear that shit
I don't buy it, 'cause everybody has bad breaks
I've had a shit ton of bad breaks
But you know what I did?
Stayed up
And I thought through it, and I figured out what the fuck I did wrong, and then I went back
It's like I fucked up everything I've ever done 100 times
There's no other way to do it
But you gotta realize when you have those shitty breaks what that is
It's an an opportunity for you to reassess, reboot, get better, figure out another way, find another way through
It's just challenges
And the people that look at those challenges and go, "Why do I always have these challenges?" they're cancer
Those people are dangerous to be around
They will rob you of your enthusiasm
They don't give you any fuel
They're the opposite of fuel
The fuel people are kicking ass, the people that are out there just fucking hustling, always, always getting things done
Always getting things done
My friend Jocko, every morning I'll check his Instagram page 4:30 shows a picture of his watch, get after it
[Jocko]: Get after it
[Jordan Peterson]: Bucko
He's out there working out 4:30 in the morning
Does it every fucking morning, why?
Because he doesn't want to, and that's how you do it
You go and get after it. You don't make any excuses
And those kinda guys are fuel
But those I can't catch a break guys, they're the opposite of fuel
They're just pissing on your fire
They're no fun
Get them the fuck away from me
I can't be around those guys
I don't wanna hear that shit
I don't wanna hear that shit
Get them the fuck away from me
Get them the fuck away from me
Get them the fuck away from me
I don't wanna hear that shit
Get them the fuck away from me
Get them the fuck away from me
Get them the fuck away from me
I don't wanna hear that shit
I don't wanna hear that shit
I don't wanna hear that shit
I don't wanna hear that shit
Get them the fuck away from me
The people that'll surround them are all idiots
'Cause only idiots want to be around I can't catch a break guy
Only dummies stick around
After a while, even if they're your good friend, you gotta be like, "Bro, you gotta fucking stop. You gotta stop with all the I can't catch a break bullshit."
All the time you're complaining you could be instead hustling
You could be instead chasing your dream
You could be instead figuring out what you're doing wrong, trying to improve certain aspects of your life, getting your shit together, reading a book, meditating, something, fucking something
Something, fucking something!
But this I can't catch a break shit is not helping anybody
And it pushes everybody away from you
Get them the fuck away from me
I can't be around those guys
I don't wanna hear that shit
I don't wanna hear that shit
Get them the fuck away from me
Get them the fuck away from me
Get them the fuck away from me
I don't want to hear that shit
Get them the fuck away from me
Get them the fuck away from me
Get them the fuck away from me
I don't wanna hear that shit
I don't wanna hear that shit
I don't wanna hear that shit
I don't wanna hear that shit
Get them the fuck away from me