A slave
That's a very interesting idea
It's particularly germane
I think
To our current cultural situation
We're pushed constantly
To see the nakedness
Of our father, so to speak
Because of the intense criticism
That's directed towards our culture
The patriarchal culture, so to speak
We're constantly exposing its weaknesses
And vulnerabilities and let's say nakedness
There's nothing wrong with criticism
But the thing about criticism is
The purposе of criticism is
To separate the whеat from the chaff
It's not to burn everything to the ground
Right, it's to say, well
We're going to carefully look at this
We're going to carefully differentiate
We're gonna keep what's good
And we're gonna move away from what's bad
But the point of the criticism isn't
To identify everything is bad
It's to separate what's good from what's bad
So that you can
Retain what's good and move towards it
Retain what's good and move towards it
So that you can retain
What's good and move towards it
Retain what's good and move towards it
To be careless at that is deadly
Because you're inhabited
By the spirit of the father, right?
Insofar as you're a cultural construction
To be disrespectful towards that
Means to undermine the very structure
That makes you not all of what you are
Certainly a good portion of what you are
If you pull the foundation out from underneath that
Then what do you have left?
If you can hardly manage on your own?
It's just not possible
You're a cultural creation
You're a cultural creation
Retain what's good and move towards it
Retain what's good and move towards it
So that you can retain
What's good and move towards it
Retain what's good and move towards it
Retain what's good and move towards it
Retain what's good and move towards it
So that you can retain
What's good and move towards it
Retain what's good and move towards it