“Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
I simply read this text one time preaching at a university and a young reporter came up to me and he said, “I don’t agree with your interpretation.”
And I said, “Young man, I didn’t interpret the text. I read it.”
And he said, “Well, I don’t agree.”
And I said, “Young man, let me tell you something. If I could pull out your heart right now, if I could take every thought you have ever had from your first waking moment until this very hour, if I could take every thought you have ever had, not just your deeds, but your thoughts, only your thoughts and I could put them on a video and I could show that video here in this auditorium tonight you would run off of this campus and you would never show your face here again because you have thought things so wicked and so perverted you cannot even share them with your closest friend. As a matter of fact, if your closest friend new some of the thoughts you have had against him, he would no longer be your friend. And, young man, I do not know that because I am a prophet. I know that because it is what the scriptures say and I know that like you I, too, am a man.”
I can say the same thing about every one of you here tonight. You would spend every ounce of energy to hide from every one in this room what has gone through your mind just in the last hour. Don’t tell me scripture is not right when it talks about all men having sinned, because all men are sinners