Let the spirits prevail!
By the grace of darkness
I evoke the wise men of the underworld
To spread the word of the occult
From the fallen temples
Where flesh and blood
Are corrupted for
The impious forces of death
The pale face of the dead
As a lunar gloom
Evoking the unspoken
Beyond the Saturnian fog
Candles, fog and blood
Qayin, light of the unlighted arts
Ars Necromantia
Canticum necromantiae
Animas devorans infirma
Exaudi preces meas
Fac me unum tua cum falce
May the souls of the blind
Be consumed by death
May the blade of my dagger
Spill the blood of the lamb
An emerald chaos
Awakening the atavistic gist
Corpore Insepultus
Mors Non Est
Filius Lucifer, Lux
Coronatus In flamma, Falce
May my black blood
Run for the altar
May my black blood
Baptize the impures
May my black blood
Run for the altar
May my black blood
Baptize the impures
In an eternal cycle