Nowadays, the amount of EDM genres has gotten somewhat out of hand
Thats why here at Klaypex headquarters we've decided to create this informative broadcast to help alleviate some of the confusion, so fasten your seatbelts, we're about to start
[Verse 1; Melbourne bounce]
Emerging in 2013 with artists such as Will Sparks, The Chainsmokers and Deorro, this genre was launched into its popularity with hit songs like "Selfie"
It's signature off-beat bass gives it it's bouncy vibe
This is Melbourne bounce
[Verse 2; Big Room House]
Starting with songs like "epic" by Sandro Silva back in 2010, this Our next genre became a festival favourite
Driven by smash hits like "Tsunami" By Doves and "Animals" By Martin Garrix, this genre exploded in 2013 drawing massive crowds and even reaching radio stations across the globe
With it bass heavy kick-drums and huge Leads that sound like they're in a large room, theres no confusion on how this genre got its name
This is Big Room House
How to tell if you're a fake DJ:
#1; you have the mic in your hand more often than the Mixer
#2; You spend more time picking out your outfits than learning to DJ
#3; somebody else DJ's for you
#4; You're Paris hilton
[Verse 3; Trap]
The following genre started out as a form of urban music in the late 90's but didn't make its way into EDM untill 2012
With songs like Bauuers "Harlem shake" its categorised by its 808's and infectious Snare-rolls
This is Trap
Oh, hello. We hope you enjoyed out informative broadcast, Please let us know what genres you would like to hear about in the next episode
Thanks for tuning in