A.W. :
Confusion, largely results from not following feelings, or ideas to their depth.
you know people think they want to be immortal, they'd like to live forever. do you really want to do that? think about it, really go into it, what it would be like.
people say they want this that and the other, they want this kind of car, they want this kind of dress or so on and uhm this much money, and so on, it's always a good idea to think it right through.
what it would envolve to be in that situation, to have those desires fullfilled, or so when you form a relationship to another person, think it through too, you see, how inconvenient would thеy be, however attractivе,and uh, always turn the embroidery around, and look at the underside, but dont get caught doing it, see thats something one does on the side in secret, because otherwise you play the game that everything is as it's suppose to be on the front.