SC.10 INT. Chicago small diner. Afternoon
Bunny and Daisy are having a today's special and coffee, Bunny's talking on her phone
There's the Chicago Midnight Jazz band playing on the radio with the 'Scapegod' track yet again
Bunny: [cheerfully] You heard about this Underworld thing?
You got it, right? Ha ha ha
Yeah. He told me it's
All fun! Laura says it's SWELL! [laughs again]
Better than fucking anything! [listens]
[lowers her voice] I wanna try it. [listens again]
Oh! Ok, ok. Kiss kiss. [hangs up, turns to Daisy]
Daisy: So you're like still with that other guy?
Bunny: Nooo... You silly! He's Stan's friend
Daisy: Mmm... [with obvious admiration] Stan's sweet!
Bunny: [laughs] Forget it, Daisy. He's hanging out with that metal chic
Daisy: Oh, she looks creepy... She looks like Abaddon in Slipknot merch, all tattooed. Her name is Alice
Bunny: Yeah, yeah. She looks like a slut
Daisy: Gross. He'll dump her
Bunny: You just have a thing for Stan
Daisy: [exaggeratedly] Nnnno! [laughs] Ok, I have. But he's not as cute as Cas
Bunny: Quit watching TV shows or you won't be graduating this year
Daisy: But Cas is gorgeous!
Bunny: Not as Dean!
[both laugh]
Daisy: We won't go to the cabin this weekend. There's this cop sneaking around. He's been asking questions about that murder
Bunny: I don't like cops!
Daisy: Yeah. Cops are dumb
Bunny: Totes! And creepy
The diner ambiance pitches down. A weird tone noise hangs for a while
Alice: Night. I own the night. And what I don't own, I take
Alice sings:
Night... My time
I might have been a better girl
I could have been a nothingness
I would have been a happy waste
A loved, and fucked, and cherished common place
It might have been a Peach's case
I could have had myself erased
But ended up on a lost highway
So fire walk with me, fire walk with me
Night... I might have been, I might have been...
My time. I could have been, I could have been
Night... I should have been, I should have been
My time
And the night owns me...