TERFs out
You don't speak for me
And sister is spelled with an S not a C
TERFs out
It's just bigotry
We all need more accountability
Standing with your oppressors will not make you more free
You can't tear down who built up our community
Cuz LGB is nothing if not for the T
So show up with some real solidarity
Tired comedians trying to stay relevant
Listen to that old hag we used to adore
When he sang
That joke isn't funny anymore
A vile veil of faux feminism
But you can't claim ignorance
You know exactly what you've been doing
And you know your influence
They claim their discourse is defending women
When it is just another way of controlling our bodies
It is transmisogyny
Trans exclusionary radical feminists, AKA TERFs
Claim that word to be a slur
Yet throw violent hate speech against anyone who does not fit
Their increasingly small view of what it is to be a real woman
A real woman is not down to her reproductive system
A real woman does not look a certain way
A real woman is whoever she wants to be
And real feminism would never leave her out
Because feminism is for everybody
Every single body
And not just the bodies that you are comfortable with
TERFs out