[Verse 1]
Johnstone and the young colonel
Sat drinking high at wine
"I will marry your sister
If you will marry mine"
"Oh no, oh no," said the young colonel
"That thing can never be
I'll take her as my housekeeper
When I ride o'er the lea"
But Johnstone had a gey broadsword
And a gey broadsword had he
He reared it through the Young Colonel
And he dropped upon the lea
He spurred hi' steed and swiftly rode
Like lightnin' o'er the lea
Until he came to his sister's gate
And he's tirled loe at the pin
"I dreamed a dream, brother Johnstone
And I hope it's for your good
They're seeking you wi' hound and hawk
And the young colonel is dead"
"They're seeking me with hound and hawk
As I well expect they'll be
For I have killed the young colonel
Your ain dear lover was he"
"If you have killed the young colonel
Then cursed you will be!
You'll hang upon the gallows tree
And ne'er have chance to flee!"
[Verse 2]
He spurred his steed and swiftly rode
Like lightning o'er the lea
Til he did come to his sweetheart's gate
And he's tirled loe at the pin
"I dreamed a dream, love, dear Johnstone
And I hope it's for your good:
They're seeking you with hound and hawk
And the young colonel is dead."
"They're seeking me with hound and hawk
As I well expect they'll be:
For I have killed the young colonel
Your ain dear brother was he."
"Come in, come in, love, dear Johnstone
Come in and take a rest:
For I care no more for the young colonel
If your ain dear body is safe."
He'd scarcely landed up the stair
Into the tow'r above
When four and twenty stout belted knights
Come seeking him at the gate
It's "Did ye see a bloody knight
And a bloody knight was he
It's "Did ye see a bloody knight
Ride furiously o'er the lea?"
"Alight, alight, you gentlemen
And have some bread and wine
If the steed be good he rides upon
He's o'er the Bridge of Tyne."
[Verse 3]
"Oh, thank you, lady, for your bread
And thank you for your wine
But I'd rather than thrice one thousand pounds
Your ain fair body was mine."
But Johnstone had a gey broadsword
And a gey broadsword had he
He reared it through his lady's breast
And she dropped upon the lea
"What ails you now, love, dear Johnstone?
What ails you now at me?
Didn't I give you all my faither's gold
Beside my mother's ain fee?"
"Oh live, oh live, Lady Margaret," he cried
"E'en for one half an hour
And there's not a leech in all Scotland
But I'll have have at your bower!"
"How can I live," Lady Margaret cried
"E'en for one half an hour
For can't you see my very hert's blood
Is trinkling to the floor?
"But take your harp into your hand
And harp across the plain
And think nae mair on your ain true love
An'if she'd never been."
He'd scarcely left the stable door
And on the saddle sat
When four and twenty arrows broad
Were thrilling in his heart