I fell in love with the roll of her drum
Fell in love with her horn's blaring noise
And I fell in love with her lute's gentle strum
And I fell in love with her voice
Polly lay over, so close to the wall
When I opened my mouth for to sing
And my throat could not stall the melodious call
My words in the chamber did ring:
"I will squeeze your lungs like the bellows of an organ
And blow on your bones like the pipes
With a rat-a-tat-tat on your skull like a drum
A rat-a-tat-tat on your skull
Of your yellow hair, oh, I will fashion a bow
To scrape out a tune on your heart
Of your long fingernails I will fashion ten quills
To pluck on your veins like a harp."
Polly rose up when my words were all told
And this she did say unto me
"I will visit the same upon thee thousand-fold
I will visit the same upon thee
And may you become one with the water so dumb
Flow away, flow away, flow away
Flow away, flow away, flow away, flow away
Away, flow away, flow away."