As we wander through this wasteland - beset on each side
By cruel cynicism, bias and self-destructive desires
You’d think there’d be more of interest in the artistic world
But for the warm-milk mewlings of love and protest songs
Consider this job: vying for the insignificant love
Of a baying rabble unable to follow a train of thought
Forcing one to repeat oneself
Forcing one to repeat oneself
Forcing one to repeat oneself
Forcing one to repeat oneself
So that useful information’s withheld
As if these mores were designed to this end
So, the first of our portraits is of me
A conveyor of the R.D.C.’s
Secret endeavours to make humanity wipe itself out
By their design, this class of musicians drop like flies
After years of pandering to you
Wears them down into shuddering, neurotic barely-alives
But I don’t ingratiate myself to ye
I don’t ingratiate myself to ye
I don’t ingratiate myself to ye
I don’t ingratiate myself to ye
And so I receive carte-blanche
Attacking any sect of humanity I want
As I dash across the wasting plains
As I scream into children’s faces
As I deliver the news with grace of what ails our people