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Ngcono vele ng’phume
Yeah, come on
Ngcono vele ng’phume
Ngcono ng’qoq’ oku ngokwam’
Ngcono vele ng’phume
Ng’gcwal’ indlela, ja
Ngcono ng’qoq’ oku ngokwam’
Ngcon vele ng’phume
Kudala sith’ s’yazama
Ngath’ aku hlangan’
Ngath’ indlela zethu
Mina naw’ azidiban’
And ayikh’ into e-wrong
We’re just not a match
I’m tired of staying even though
I know we’re gonna clash
Angazi why I’m fighting hard
Just to make you mine
I don’t like your mind
Angazi ng’zoy’ shintsha kanjani
Ngoba phel’ ang’yen’ u-Nkulunkulu
Why the fuck did I think that I could
Mould you into what I want
Every single time
You step into the house
Ngizwa ngathi ngi shiselw’ igazi
What the fuck?
I need to accept ukuth’ as’yon’ i-match
Naw’ angaz’ uhlaleleni
‘Cause we’re gonna clash
I haven’t been the best
Nami I can be trash
Yaz’ ukuthi ang’safuni
Kodwa here I am
Ung’fakela neminciza
And ung’bangela nes’cefe
Bese ngithi you’re the issue
Ngathi mina ng’ innocent
Ngcono ng’qoq’ oku ngokwam’
Ngcono vele ng’phume
Ng’gcwal’ indlela, love
Ngcono ng’qoq’ oku ngokwam’
Ngcon vele ng’phume
Yaz’ ukuthi name ngine zinto zam’
Ukuth’ imizwa yami really really sunk to the floor
And ng’yaz’ ukuth’ ngesiny’ is’khath’ uyangi zonda
Ngcono s’vele s’yeke
Vele, asiy’bambe la
S’bon’ abany’ abantu
Luphelil’ uthando
Yingakho ngithi
Ngcono ng’vele ngithi hit the road
I salute you for uk’put up’er nezinto zam’
Ngik’thanda njalo even though we couldn’t make it work
As’vumelan’ ukuthi k’mele sithi baby buh bye
Qabula though
As’valelise kahle
I’m gonna miss you, love
Ukuthi k’vedane kwacac’ ukuth’ a’yon’ i-match!
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Ngcono ng’qoq’ oku ngokwam’
Ngcono vele ng’phume
Ng’gcwal’ indlela, love
Ngcono ng’qoq’ oku ngokwam’
Ngcon vele ng’phume
Buh bye bye
Buh bye bye