When I was a little boy around the table at home
I remember fairly well when company would come
I would have to be right still until the whole crowd ate
My mamma always said to me "Jim take a tater and wait"
Now taters never did taste good with chicken on the plate
But I had to eat 'em just the same
That is why I look so bad and have these puny ways
Because I always had to take an old cold tater and wait
And then the preachers they would come
To stay a while with us
I would have to simp around
And raise a little fuss
In fear that I would spill the beans
Or break a china plate
My mamma always said to me "Jim take a tater and wait"
Now taters never did taste good with chicken on the plate
But I had to eat 'em just the same
That is why I look so bad and have these puny ways
Because I always had to take an old cold tater and wait
Well I thought that I would starve to death
Before my time would come
All that chicken they would eat
And just leave me the butt
The feet and neck were all that was left
Upon the china plate
It makes ya pretty darn weak
To take an old cold tater and wait