Get the wicker
Grab a sticker
Call the vicar
Bring a sweater
Wait by the court
Scores at naught
Victory sought
Feeling the draught
Whistle blown
Ball gets thrown
Bat swung
Hit n run
All for fun?
Touchdown on skid
Getting 5 million quid
Just for fun, they did?
Fans roaring
Scores soaring
Fame soaring
Cash withdrawing
All for fun?
Purpose: none?
No, purpose: 1
Fame n cash?
Wealth too much to stash?
Its time to know
Wealth fame 'n' power
Mean nothing on The Hour
All desire is for true peace
But nothings permanent here just a lease
Like what Percy did narrate:
"Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”