[MAITRESSE D', spoken]
Good morning, eaters!
Welcome to Café Everything!
A celebration of plenitude
A hymn to abundance
A paean to endless plenty!
[MARIANNE, spoken]
Could we have some water?
[MAITRESSE D', spoken]
I will check on that
Your enabler will be here momentarily
[PAUL, spoken]
Wow, they really do have everything here
[CLAUDIA, spoken]
And then some
[MARIANNE, spoken]
They've got manna? I'm in heaven!
Ladies and gents
Before we munch—
We must thank the Lord
For inventing brunch—
For sourdough—
Petite Marmite—
Good health—
Good friends—
[LEO, spoken]
Bon appetit!
[WAITER, spoken]
Good morning, adventurers
I'll be enabling your table
[MARIANNE, spoken]
Could we have some water, please?
[WAITER, spoken]
I will check on that
Can I take your order?
[CLAUDIA, spoken]
Of course you may
It's your job
I'll have a decaf soymilk latte mocchaniño, immediately