Honeyflow (Japan)
Lightly circle and float around
The corpses of stone giants
Among the boats and fishing nets
The arrows, bows and swords
From the sun the honey flows
It's the road of living kings
To earth it flows
It's the bridge of golden queens
It's the road of living kings
It's the bridge of golden queens
Stiffly float around and around
The corpses of gray gods
Writ in stone, forge in stars
Is the endless road of fate
From the sun the honey flows
It's the road of living kings
To earth it flows
It's the bridge of golden queens
It's the road of living kings
It's the bridge of golden queens
Only sage eternal
Can walk against the grain
The colours sparked once again
In the darkened grave of stars
Only sage eternal
Can walk against the grain
The sage eternal can walk against the grain
The time bands under his path
The colours light once more