Pleng Neung Song Lyrics
Pleng Neung by August Band Gor roo baang krang kong yaak tee ja kao jai
Meua siang kong lohk dang gong koi bok hai yom pae
Dtae haak rao long dtang jai fang
Yang mee siang lek lek tee dang
Keu tam nong paew kong pleng neung nai jai
Fang si fang bai mai tee pliw wai dtong lom
Gon hin glom yang mee eek dtae yang song siang
Mae paew bao sa-ton ok bpen kae piang
Sam-niang paew kong pleng neung nai jai
Krai na krai bok yaam tee lom bohk choi pat bpai tee dai
Krai hai pleng neung dang kaang nai krai na krai ja roo
Hon taang dieow dton kaao dtong dteun keun maa
Wan nan ja paa hai ter daai pon kam saap nee
Eek mai naan hon taang kwaam fan kong nong kon nee ja bpert
Jong dern soo hon taang neung dieow gan
Mai roo pror song krai bpai laew mai mee krai glap maa
Waen bpert hon taang bpai kwaam fan kong nong kon nee si, nan lae
Ong kor daap goo noi
Hoie goo ao bpai gep dtrong nai gor mai roo a, haa gon daai bplao
Ngan dton nong kao maa kao maa jaak taang nai
Krai na krai bok yaam tee lom bohk choi pat bpai tee dai
Krai hai pleng neung dang kaang nai krai na krai ja roo
Fang si fang baang kon rong pleng bok ter
Haak kon ja jer nai meua ter yang mee siang rong riak hai ter
Bpert jai ok rong ja long tam nong paew kong pleng neung nai jai
Lae yaa yom hai krai took kao jap jong
Tam nong paew kong pleng neung
Siang pleng bpluk hai ter dteun
Sam-niang paew kong pleng neung nai jai
Kor hai paa bpai glai kwaam fan nong kon nee
Chuay bpai hai glai tee sut tee pleng bpluk hai ter dteun
Hon taang soo fan kong yoo mai glai
English Translation:
I know that sometimes it’s difficult to understand
When people’s voices tell you to give it up
But if you listen carefully there is also a soft voice
That is a melody from the heart
Listen! Listen to the swaying leaves!
The rocks sitting there are still talking quietly
Although the sign of light is still out of the heart
Of those first ensemble melodies
Who can tell me which way the wind is blowing?
Who let the song out of their hearts?
Who is that?
Who knows…
The only way to get out is to wake up
While we do this, we’ll have her to learn to cast this one
As soon as his little girl’s dream comes to an end, there will be a road
For us to go down this road together
Nobody knows because none of them has ever came back before.
Wan, can you open a path leading to this little boy’s dream?
That’s it.
Ong, my sword.
Hey, I remember putting it here but I don’t know where it is.
I’ll look for it.
Little boy, what path did you take to make it here?
Who can tell me which way the wind is blowing?
Who let the song out of their hearts?
Who is that? Who knows…
Listen! Listen! And sing to the forest!
You’ll find that your heart is still strong enough
For you to keep up your courage
Just try to sing from your heart
Don’t let anyone bother you
Just try to sing this song and you’ll wake up
Just try to sing the song from your own heart
Let’s enter his dream!
It’s the easiest way to wake her up
It’s not far to the end…