1 Cannonbongs (The Ballad of Burnt Reynolds as Lamented by Gentleman Dixie Dave Collins) LyricsSome time ago, um, I can't recollect exactly when, in Fort Fisher or maybe Kure Beach, I can't recollect exactly where, we were all doing cannonbongs
For those of you that don't know, a cannonbong is when you take a bong ripper or whatever, hold it in and do a shot of whiskey then you blow it out or whatever, and then repeat as necessary
So after a substantial amount of cannonbongs that evening we had run out of whiskey and we started to use whatever we could get our hands on, vodka or rum, and we ended up with 151
Somebody pointed out that 151 is flammable so then we were doing flaming cannonbongs
That went on for a minute
And uh, of course I can't recollect, eventually I end up setting my beard and my face on fire while trying to do a flaming cannonbong and uh, that trickled down, caught the bong on, it was dropped subsequently, and broken
There's always a silver lining and we scraped up all of the residue, if you will, out of the bong water
Took that residue, amongst other things, and placed in on a piece of aluminum foil, Reynolds Wrap I believe
And uh, put a lighter under that and you can fix that problem too
So that's it for Burnt Reynolds
Tin foil good buddies
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