1 Sons and Daughters LyricsSons and daughters
Of the only true and perfect, eternal Father
Sons and daughters
Free to live in the light of the One who bought us
Sons and daughters
Airs with Christ standing to God our Father
Sons and daughters
Uniting in the righteous blood of the slaughter
Sons and daughters
Identities are found in its cross and it is crowned
Sons and daughters
May our final breath proclaim all the glory to His name
Oh we are saved
We're not just forgiven
We will be raised
Seated with the Son
Oh we are saved
Not just forgiven
No, we will be raised
Seated with the Son
Oh yes we are saved
Not just forgiven
No, we will be raised
Seated with the Son
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Of the only true and perfect, eternal Father
Sons and daughters
Free to live in the light of the One who bought us