[Eli's Mom]
Hi Son!
I was just thinking about you and I was just thinking...
What if you're going through everything that you’re going through or a reason?
For a purpose?
What lifestyle do you wanna live?
What do you really wanna do?
What if everything that you're going through is for the best for you?
You know you really need to love yourself
You need to love yourself in your space no matter what happens
Love you
You can't have or be what you are not willing to become
You have to radiate your feeling from within into what you want to be
How you want to feel
You have to like and love yourself when you’re by yourself
What if you're going through all of these emotions so you can feel that emotion and share it with your audience?
I love you
No matter what unconditionally
This is your okaa-san
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
I love you