Eye 2 Eye, it's Eye 2 Eye
I still haven't taken down the pictures that you left one day
I still picture the image of your beautiful angel face
Your make-up and your shoes are still in the same place
I still feel your presence, your essence and your embrace
The bed is still gone, there's too many memories
I can't accept you're gone, how could my life take you away from me?
I miss you so much, baby girl, come back to me
In the nights I still dream about you, I can't live without you
Can't you see what you've done to me?
I miss you so much, I feel the air that I breathe here below
Please forgive me, I promise I'll do my best to stay
Por favor, regresa otra vez
I pray, hopefully one day this pain will simply fade away
But it's not so easy to forget and start all over again
I promised myself that I will never fall in love again
I would give everything I have just to have you in my arms once again
I miss you so much, baby girl, come back to me
In the nights I still dream about you, I can't live without you
Sin tu amor no puedo vivir
I miss you so much, I feel the air that I breathe here below
Please forgive me, I promise I'll do my best to stay
Cuanto te extraño mi amor