Bring it on!
Check it out!
People regret get fucked, learn and change
Revenge is what I want
Run in a green grass, fly with the birds
I dont know what to do with this words
Thirds, put your finger here, you'll feel my fear
I hurted and got hurt, my brain it’s desert,
The feeling never goes away, just a little but never goes away
If your alone you’re like a stone I know why
Theres a thin line between happiness and sadness
And when happiness is in others hands it destroys all the plans
Follow this song, Jack Death will never be wrong
I'll watch the pass, the present and the future
Life get down to this and I miss my
Pool of pain, pool of pain, i’m drowning in a pool of pain
Pool of pain, pool of pain, i’m drowning in a pool of pain
I’m drowning in a pool of pain, check it out
My jealous is getting HIGH!
And my ground is you NOW!
My body is PETRIFY!
And you still right DOWN!
Bring it on!
No pain, no gain, we have examples to not complain
I'm sorry of my blames, I hope you do the same
You ain't undstanding any shit, but try, do it!
I have almost everything, exept one thing, and you don’t have anything
It was the worst way possible..It’s impossible! to get up again..
Its gonna happen, get up is fuckin’ hard,
Stay away from my brothers
Anothers waves comes and knockes me out
Its look like now I'm getting up. How?
I see a bigger digger aproaching
I'm fallin’ again but I’m tryin’ to get up again,
It’ll be like this way while the storms goes away
Pool of pain, pool of pain, I’m drowning in a pool of pain
Pool of pain, pool of pain, I’m drowning in a pool of pain
I’m drowning in a pool of pain, check it out
My jealous is getting HIGH!
And my ground is you NOW!
My body is PETRIFY!
And you still right DOWN!
The green grass, the birds that flyed with me, the dolphins that swimmed with me
Maybe someday come back, better, greener, prettier, smarter
maybe not!
Hard. And easy
Learn to respect, learn to wait.
Learn to understand, just learn the fact that people make mistakes!
Forgiveness should allways be conceeded
Apologies always acepted
And after the storms goes away I'll look back
And will be proud for resisting
Or else, a soul will find my body floating in the sea
"I love you" written in my chest, with knife cuts
Run! it’s the end of the world
I wanna relax and sit down.
Somebody must be watching this
And after, everything comes back dobled
Feelings? What for? Are hate and love diferent things?
Who have the proves?
People change
Nobody no longer knows what to do
Hate love and lost
Pool of pain, pool of pain, i’m drowining in a pool of pain
Pool of pain, pool of pain, i’m drowining in a pool of pain!
My jealous is getting HIGH!
And my ground is you NOW!
My body is PETRIFY!
And you still right DOWN!
Get the fuck up!
pool of pain, pool of pain