Walking as a young boy talking with my friend
Struggling with the changes on the way to being men
Listen to the radio have a furtive smoke
Patting horses over gates like our senses have just woke
Buffeted by wind, snow blind with white sand
Walking the kids on a Hebridean island
Looking from a dune at the roan beasts in the sea
Breaking their reflection whenever they get frisky
(Br) On days like these it's enough to breathe, enjoy the free sensation
Be there in the scenery, a small part of creation
Singing with the kids to rouse the curiosity
Of seals lazing on the rocks out there in the bay
Cheer to see them slip off, swim across the water
Heads bobbing by our feet, sad eyes filled with laughter
(Br) Treading water like the seals, enraptured by the feeling
It's good for us to be here, like wind blown birds free-wheeling
Forget presidential killings or the first moon landing
Why should we be defined by where we were when something happened
We're standing on a French beach, to watch Halle Bop’s static moving
From across 5,000 years the scientists confounding