Saw your visa card, and took a trip downtown.
I don't really care that there's people around.
nine two three, eight one six, is the sound of that flicking your switch.
Eight one five, one nine four, does this mean you don't trust me anymore?
Does this mean you don't trust me anymore?
I'm so happy that your coming out to play.
Now I'm only one cocaine decision away.
Three six nine, two four eight, is the sound of them closing your gate.
Eight one five, one nine four, does this mean you don't trust me anymore?
Does this mean you don't trust me anymore?
It's the time to head beyond the city lights.
Now I don't recall there being warning signs.
Nine two three, eight one six, is the sound of that flicking your switch.
Eight one five, nine three four, does this mean you don't trust me anymore?
Does this mean you don't trust me anymore?
Eight one five, nine three four, does this mean you don't trust me anymore?
Does this mean you don't trust me anymore?