I wake up afraid
Afraid with my dream
The nightmare
You be there
The dark place
It’s my school
So, there isn’t dark place
I carry on the courage
The students walking
I can’t talk to nobody
Feeling pressure in my heart
I walking for the classes
We’re happy
Very happy
I don’t understand
I’m dreaming
My dreams is not ok
Lonely for all my friends
I start cry
Crying I continue walk
Walk for search one answer
I running for there
Peoples pass for inside me
I don’t understand
The goes me hope
What is it?
What I am here?
What I’ am?
My dream is the nightmare
I don’t accept it
I don’t understand
The goes me hope
What is it?
What I am here?
What I’ am?
My dream is the nightmare
I went to the teacher
She’s can’t talk to me
What’s happen?
Who makes it to me?
That’s impossible
I starting enter in depression
My mind is broke
I see that’s all
My friends
My really friends be there
I come to near
One newspaper be there
Throw in the soil
There be writing
Boy dies with the shoot in him head…
I come in short now
I die