Red white and blue Song Lyrics
Red white and blue by Loretta Lynn Submitted by: LyricMasterFox
I'm red, white and blue
And proud of it too.
The red comes from my grandpa
He's an all American brave
The white comes from my grandma
She's a red headed Irish maid.
The blue comes from the man I love
Came the day before I said I do
That leaves me a mixed up breed of
Red, White and Blue.
I'm red, white and blue
And proud of it too.
I'm a blue eyed indian squaw
Everybody calls me a halfbreed
Thats what you get when you
Sew a little red and white sting.
The white man said he'd marry me
He likes being called Baby Doo
That leaves me a mixed breed of
Red, white and blue.
I'm red, white and blue
And proud of it too.
The great white fathers had it planed
To take the red mans land
I think you think I'm prejudice
But I'd never lie to you.
There's raw red blood
Running through my veins
And I wish my skin was too
I wish my skin was too.
I'm red, white and blue.
I'm red, white and blue.
I'm red, white and blue.
I'm red, white and blue...