Melinda Song Lyrics
Melinda by Mason Proffit Far up in the foothills
Deep in Tennessee
I found her crumpled cabin
Where the wind can only breathe
I knocked upon the oaken door
And shuddered at my gloom
For scarcely had the night begun
When the clouds did shroud the moon
Her haggled face came forward
As whispered through the night
She asked if I would lead her
For she'd long since lost her eyes
She sat me down beside the fire
It's slowly dying glow
And outside tho the wind did scream
The cabin only moaned
And then she asked me questions
Of my parents and my place
To my reply I'd never known
A smile did crack the face
You see she said your mother died
As you did leave the womb
But left inside a twin did lie
___? At his tomb
And lo just then the cabin door went crashing on it's hinge
And just outside a women stood her hair like blackened fringe
Them that haunt, they see in me, she screamed and turned to run
Through the wind I heard her say the dead can bear no sons
Then the hag did stand again
She hobbled on her cane
Clutching at the knarled door she called my mothers name