Why swallow so much bullshit?
Is this the culture you wanna give me?
I have neither a kid hanging on the wallet
in any theater I'll be able to enter
but I wanna learn
and have a say
so give me access to culture for free
they tell me I'm wrong
by challenge and complain
and even if they encourage
space is still lacking
my own culture I'll create
'cause I wanna fucking learn
but I wanna learn
and have a say
so give me access to culture for free
they tell me I'm wrong
and have a say
so give me access to culture for free
for I'll learn
and have a say
don't buy anything that offers me
for I myself will create
my own expression space
elitist thinking doesn't lead me to anything
but I wanna learn
and have a say
so give me access to culture for free
they tell me I'm wrong